Friday, February 26, 2016

Doug McDermott Lighting it Up

Doug McDermott has been killing it lately for the Bulls. He as averaged 20 points a game over his last three games. He set a career high with 30 points against the Toronto Raptors on February 19th. Doug has had a lot of ups and downs during his time with the Bull struggling with some injuries in his first two seasons. But I am very pleased with what I have been seeing from him lately. Coming into the NBA a lot of people labeled Doug as just a spot-up-shooter. He has shown that he could put the ball on the floor and get to the rim and score. He is also very good at moving without the ball and coming off screens. The only concern that I have with him is his defensive ability. His defense to date has been sub par at best. If he can improve defensively he could become a very good player in the NBA. I believe that McDermott will be a key piece moving forward for the Bulls. He is by far the best pure shooter the Bulls have on their roster. Keep making it rain out there Doug! 

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Bullsssssssssssssssssss


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